Serenbe Style and Soul

with Marie Nygren




January 2010



Farmhouse Biscuits

Written by , Posted in biscuits, marie nygren, Recipe Articles, Serenbe Farmhouse

The first Monday of the New Year has been a good day. I feel like I was finally able to catch my breath today. After the last two weeks of the holidays, cooking at the Farmhouse, interviewing since I lost my weekend fried chicken cook, helping with new recipes for the Daisy, holiday decorating and several family holiday dinners….. life here in Serenbe has been very full.

This week I am excited about trying out some new recipes the girls want to use at the Blue eyed Daisy. We will try many and have multiple taste testings……. sounds like a lot of fun.

For now though, my thoughts go to the biscuits at the Farmhouse. My plan was to post this recipe this week once I settled back into blogging and by coincidence, we received a comment the other day from a Farmhouse guest who requested the recipe. Perfect timing.

Upon the first bite of a Farmhouse Biscuit, the sound we most hear from guests is always the same…. “YUM”.

They have become a regular favorite at the Farmhouse, and I am happy to share the recipe for you to also enjoy them at home.

The ingredients are few but the flavor is delightful.

After mixing together the flour, butter, sour cream and chives in a large bowl, the muffin tin is ready to fill.

Just out of the oven, the muffins should be a nice golden brown.

Ready to serve!

Farmhouse Biscuits

  • 2 cups Lily White Self Rising Flour
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 sticks melted butter 
  • 1/4 cup chives
Preheat oven to 375º. Melt butter. In a bowl, combine flour, sour cream and chives and melted butter. Stir gently until combined. Put 1/4 cup mixture into greased muffin tin. Bake for 12-15 minutes until lightly golden brown.

Makes approximately 12 biscuits.