My journey with cooking
Written by Marie Nygren, Posted in "john kessler", "mary mac's", marie nygren
A short time ago John Kessler posted on his blog an article about Mary Mac’s. He mentioned a dish he wasn’t too fond of and received many comments on how could he say anything about Southern food when he was not a Southerner. This along with my daughters’ urging…
“Mom, you need to tell the story of your heritage.”
I began to think about what Mary Mac’s meant to the city of Atlanta and most importantly what mom meant to me.
My mom was the queen of Dixie cuisine, I often think how do I embrace it?
Growing up in the restaurant makes me realize you have to fully embrace your heritage before you can claim your spot. I sometimes forget that I now have my own restaurant.
I just kind of happened into it, it’s not like I set out to have my own restaurant. For me, I aspire for the Farmhouse to be good food and soulful …’s just a different version of my mother’s.

Half of the experience in Mary Mac’s was my mother and what she created by being an amazing southern hostess, coming from her graciousness. Creating an atmosphere that is welcoming, you feel good there, that is what Mother’s restaurant was.
It was as if it were her personal dining room. For some people it was like coming home.
It was as if it were her personal dining room. For some people it was like coming home.
to be continued…… my plan is to have my story as a weekly posting so stay tuned…..
**photo from John’s blog
**photo from John’s blog