Creating Style on a Budget
Written by Marie Nygren, Posted in "serenbe blog", "style on a budget", ikea, marie nygren, serenbe
While in Boulder I had two goals, cooking lessons and decorating. In addition to teaching how to make my black bean casserole dish, Quinn and her friends decided they wanted to have a pretty home as their nest for their senior year. For all three girls it was about having a beautiful space. It wasn’t just about throwing a futon in, these girls were serious! Everyone showed up with their pieces of furniture agreed on during their Junior year.


“After Serenbe style”
It was an interesting exercise and collaborative effort of 3 girls and 3 moms putting a house together in a few days!
It’s amazing what can be done in 2 ½ days literally. We were in the car shopping between Target, Pier 1, World Market, TJ Maxx and local flea market shops. I had brought 4 packs of curtains with me from Ikea since there isn’t one in Boulder.
What it transpired into was amazing.
The biggest thing of setting up a college home is that the girls were on a budget. There are some amazing finds at the stores we chose which is great when on a limited budget.
“A little paint on the wall and Voila, you have an instant nest where you can recoup, revive, or entertain!”
It all came together so beautifully. Each girl had something different and it really was a beautiful effort of bringing it all together.
The best moment was when 2 other friends walked in and said, “Wow, this looks like a real home.”


“After Serenbe style”