Les Dames d’Escoffier
Written by Marie Nygren, Posted in "les dames d'escoffier" serenbe
Atlanta Les Dames d’Escoffier International will host it’s 9th annual Afternoon in the Country in Serenbe on Sunday, November 8th, 2009.
Little did I know when I suggested to Angie Mozier, a member of Les Dames, to do a Sunday supper on the Serenbe grounds as a fundraiser that it would grow into one of the most anticipated and well attended food events in the Atlanta area.
This is my favorite food event of the year and I am very excited as this is my first year of cooking for Les Dames. Click 2009 participants to see everyone who will be at this years event.
I’ve been told only a few tickets are left . Click tickets to purchase now so you don’t miss out. I hope to see you there. Let me know if you are a reader of my blog!